#09 - Corner Shop

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products = "Twix": 4.00 "Mars": 5.00 "Skittles": 7.00 "Toblerone":10.00 "Nerds":3.00 list prodcut() for x in products output product name, product price loop until not true: choice 1 input = "would you want to add a new product" if choice 1 is yes: add_product() break elif choice 1 is no remove_product() break else: outpunt "incorrect value" define add_prodct(): food = input "Input item you want to add: " cost = input "Input item cost"


products = { "Twix":4.00, "Mars":5.00, "Skittles":7.00, "Toblerone":10.00, "Nerds":3.00, } def list_product(): for x in products: print(x,'£'+str(products[x])) while True: choice_1=input('\nWould you want to add a new product? (Y/N) ').upper() if choice_1 == 'Y': add_product() break elif choice_1 == 'N': remove_product() break else: print('Incorrect value') def add_product(): food=input('Input item you want to add: ') cost=float(input('Input the cost for the item: (without £) ')) products[food]=cost for x in products: print(x,'£'+str(products[x])) while True: choice_2=input('Would you want to add another product? (Y/N) ').upper() if choice_2 == 'Y': add_product() elif choice_2 == 'N': remove_product() else: print('Incorrect value') def remove_product(): while True: removal_choice=input('Would you want to remove an item? (Y/N) ').upper() if removal_choice=='Y': for x in products: print(x,'£'+str(products[x])) removal=input('Input item you want to remove: ') products.pop(removal) for x in products: print(x,'£'+str(products[x])) bill() break elif removal_choice=='N': bill() break else: print('Incorrect value') while True: choice_3=input('Do you want to process a order? (Y/N) ').upper() if choice_3=='Y': bill() break elif choice_3=='N': break else: print('Incorrect value') def bill(): for x in products: print(x,'£'+str(products[x])) cost=0.0 while True: item=input('Input the item you want to add to the bill: ') if item in products: cost=cost+products[item] else: print('Item is not in stock') choice_4=input('Do you have another item to add? (Y/N) ').upper() if choice_4=='Y': pass elif choice_4=='N': break else: print('Incorrect value') print('The bill total is £'+str(cost)) with open('bill.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('The bill total is £'+str(cost)) list_product()

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