#04 Subnet

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Why subnet

Subnetworks are networks within another network which make the networks more efficient. It allows for network traffic to travel shorter distances without the need to pass through routers for that traffic to reach its destination.

When a network receives a bit of data from a different network then it will sort to make sure that the route for those packets are the most effective/fast. IPv4 addresses have two parts and depending on the class of that IP address will determine how long some of the parts are. The 3 parts different classes are in alphabetic order, A, B and C.

IP classes
Class First oclet decimal First oclet binary IP range Subnet mask Host/Network # of networks Use
Class A 0-127 0XXXXXXX 16,444,214 126 Government
Class B 128-191 10xxxxxx 65,534 16,382 Medium Companies
Class C 192-223 110xxxxx 254 2,097,150 Small companies/LAN
Class D 224-239 1110xxxx Reserved for multicasting
Class E 240 1111xxxx Experimental

Reasons why subnetting is used is because for example in a Type A IP address there can be millions of people connected to that network through their devices and could take a long time for data to transfer between two networks. This is why subnetting comes in handy: subnetting narrows down the IP address to usage within a range of devices[1].

The benefits of subnetting include:

Subnet mask

A subnet mask splits an IP address into two with the host and network addresses. The subnet mask is a 32-bit number where if it is a host bit it is all 0's whilst if it is a network it is all 1s in a way that the subnet mask can then seperate the IP addresses between network and host.

parts of an IP address



[1] What is a subnet? | how subnetting works | cloudflare (no date). Cloudflare. Available at: https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/network-layer/what-is-a-subnet/ (Accessed: November 21, 2022). This is why subnetting comes in handy: subnetting narrows down the IP address to usage within a range of devices..

[2] What is subnet mask? definition & faqs (2020) Avi Networks. Available at: https://avinetworks.com/glossary/subnet-mask/ (Accessed: November 21, 2022).