#01 - The Athletes Problem

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times=[] print('times in the 400M sprint') def get_gender(): while True: gender=str(input('Is this Male, Female or Other? (M/F/O)\n')).upper() if gender!='M' and gender!='F' and gender!='O': print('Error, please input M, F or O') else: return gender def get_number_of_athletes(): number_of_athletes=int(input('How many athletes are there?\n')) return number_of_athletes def finishing_times(number_of_athletes,gender): for x in range(number_of_athletes): times.append(float(input('Enter the finishing time of the athlete: '))) times.sort() print('the fastest time was',times[0]) if gender=='F': if times[0]<45.7: print('That is the new female World Record') else: print('well done!') elif gender=='M': if times[0]<48.3: print('this is the new male World Record') else: print('well done!') else: if times[0]<43.8: print('That is the new other World Record') else: print('well done!') gender=get_gender() finishing_times(get_number_of_athletes(),gender)

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